Empower your team with the skills they need

Practical, engaging workshops

The capacity for self-reflection is a key ingredient. How do your people stack up?

As the times require, The ZALT Group offers public and in-house training done in an engaging online format, empowering teams on a range of workplace issues. We can tailor a course to your specific needs – or you can select from our existing range of popular themes, including:

  • Better Conflict Management for Line Managers
  • Better Conflict Management for HR Practitioners
  • How to Facilitate and Mediate Difficult Workplace Conversations
  • Managing Stress During Workplace Tension
  • Workplace Investigation Training
  • Managing Intergenerational Issues in the Workplace
  • Negotiation Strategy and Approach
  • Compliance Training: EEO, Diversity and Code of Conduct
  • New Managers and Employment Relationships

We bring our substantial experience to every session, transforming real life examples and academic theory into practical, relevant learning. We also follow up all participants with coaching calls to embed the learning, discuss any concerns and hear about personal achievements. Our courses take a trauma informed approach and deliberately address practical ways of enhancing psychological safety.

Team facilitation

Sometimes an independent third party can be the best way to ensure the effectiveness of team discussions and workshops. The ZALT Group can come to your workplace to facilitate:

  • Team strategy days
  • Team discussions around values and behavioural norms
  • Difficult conversations

We approach all facilitations with absolute clarity on your business goals – and apply a proven ‘coaching’ style to ensure people take charge and accountability on the day.

Compliance training

The ZALT Group can come to your organisation to conduct Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), Diversity and Code of Conduct training for your team.

Our workshops are hands-on, fun and effective – and underpinned by the most up to date developments in workplace law. We discuss real life examples with a focus on how they impact morale and where to find support.

We also provide post-training support within six weeks to ensure a lasting effect.

Public speaking

Zandy Fell and Tony Fell regularly offer keynote addresses at workshops, conferences and industry events. Some of our more popular presentation topics include:

  • Better Workplace Conflict
  • Managing Conflict During Change
  • Dealing With Stress and Mental Health Issues of Employees During Difficult Conversations
  • How Different Generations Respond to Conflict and Strategies to Support
  • Women and Negotiation

If you’re ready to uncover the true source of conflict in your workplace and implement the right strategies to address, then contact The ZALT Group today.

Click here to read about HR & ER Advice.
