Workplace Investigations

Tony Headshot



Practical Investigation Skills for Workplace Investigations

Who Should Attend?

  • Managers
  • P&C Professionals
  • WHS Professionals

Tuesday, 29 April 2025 – Full-Day

This course includes pre-work.
Post workshop there will also be a 1.5-hour virtual peer coaching follow-up session to embed learning and allow for strategising participants’ live-topics.

What This Training Is All About

How Workplace Investigations are run is an ever-growing area of workplace risk and litigation. When they go wrong, they can go spectacularly wrong, from both a legal and a people-management perspective.

Ensure your Workplace Investigations are compliant, fair, conducted with confidence and that you are able to look after your people.  This training will give P&C, Health & Safety professionals and line managers with the responsibility for conducting workplace investigations, the skills to develop and implement an effective plan for conducting a compliant workplace investigation, the strategies to overcome difficulties along the way and the expertise to make findings of fact.  It will also develop the skills and knowledge to manage your people through this often-difficult process. Our courses take a trauma informed approach and deliberately address practical ways of enhancing psychological safety.

Why Should You Attend? 

This hands-on and practical in-person workshop will give you skills, knowledge and understanding around:

  1. Process, planning & principles of a Workplace Investigation
  2. Evidence gathering and analysis for decision-making
  3. Reporting requirements & closing a Workplace Investigation

During the workshop we will explore current challenges including:

  • Is there a role for AI in workplace investigations?
  • Applying a Trauma-Informed approach
  • Assessments of credibility
  • Conducting Workplace Investigations utilising video technology, the benefit, and pitfalls
  • Developing and implementing effective plans for conducting a compliant workplace investigation
  • Articulating and demonstrating the key principles of a workplace investigation (confidentiality, procedural fairness, natural justice, and timeliness)
  • Creating a concise allegation set that will assist in making findings of fact based on the balance of probabilities
  • Planning and conducting interviews with the complainant(s), witnesses & respondent(s) leveraging the power of language (e.g. using open and closed questions, neutral language, and body language)
  • Effective stakeholder management
  • Making findings of fact
  • Preparing structured written reports that support the Investigation process and decision-making
  • Dealing with difficulties (e.g. anonymous complainants, complainant withdrawal, refusal to participate, collaboration, difficult support people etc.)

The Zalt Group are determined to increase the credibility, capability, and confidence of practitioners. We investigate difficult workplace issues. We love to teach others to do what we do.

To successfully complete this course, you will need to attend the full day of training.

Past Participant Comments:

The course brought together people from a diverse range of occupations and workplaces. It was important for us to see that the skills learnt through the course could be transferred to many occupations. The delivery was engaging, informative and most of all provided me with the skills needed to facilitate and support the workplace investigations. I would highly recommend the course.
— Noel Dillon – Principals’ Officer, Independent Education Union Victoria Tasmania

Tony’s engaging, insightful and highly practical workplace investigation training has given me the tools to handle workplace investigations more professionally and ethically. The workshop’s realistic scenarios and interactive sessions, along with the post-workshop follow-up have strengthened my level of confidence in taking on and navigating complex issues sensitively and impartially.
—Nim Peiris – Head of People and Culture, commUnity+ 

I attended Workplace Investigation Training delivered by Tony. As a result, I developed better knowledge, skills and importantly, better judgment as a workplace investigator. Tony’s style is engaging and thought provoking and his depth of experience and knowledge mean you are always learning. I also appreciated the support that Tony freely provided to me when I conducted a complex and detailed investigation soon after. Great training and ongoing support. Thanks!
— Jill Murphy – Director, Open Road Consulting

An engaging outcome-oriented training to ensure every participant is truly up-skilled and empowered by their lessons.  This is an essential course for HR and anyone managing conflict.
— Sharni Kelly – HR Business Partner at EY

Tony presents in a realistic, practical, and engaging way to help individuals understand clear principals of workplace investigations.
— Jason Hibberd – Deputy Principal, St Francis Xavier

Tony is a knowledgeable and engaging facilitator; His Workplace Investigations training was a valuable day on both a practical and theoretical level.
— Miranda Crawley, HR Leader

*Please note: Dates may be subject to change.